Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Well, tonight was my second night of boot camp.  First night was went rather well.  Every single muscle in my entire body was aching when I left, my face was the shade of a newly ripe tomato, and I almost barfed.  So...pretty sure it's safe to say that first workout can be summed up in two words: ass. kicker.

Tuesday I had a brilliant idea to go to Zumba to 'loosen' out my muscles.  ?!? WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!  I made it through it and felt great after.  This morning?  eh..that's another story.

Today was day 2. 
I survived...that's about it.
We did a push up test, where now that I'm looking back I wish I would've done regular push ups instead of the wimpy girl ones.  I think when I'm at the end of the seven weeks of hell boot camp I'll be able to do several REAL push ups.  Hopefully anyways.  I only did 24 push ups and 50 air hump things.  Not sure what the official name is...but, you get in plank position and raise your hiney in the air and back down. 
core = burn.

Honestly...the only things that've been getting me through it (listen to me..I'm acting like it's been going on for weeks and it's day 2. TWO!) are my girls and my sayings which consist of:
1. truckerarms, truckerarms, truckerarms
2. shadow legs, shadow legs, shadow legs
3. LOVE HANDLES (I don't have to continue to repeat that one..because it's SO BIG)

(go. away.)

All of this pain makes me rethink my decision to join.  Who's idea was this boot camp anyways?!'ll be worth it in the end.

Monday, July 18, 2011

revamp. know that 10 day reboot I was telling you about?
Yeah..didn't really go as planned. 
After that first juicing incident we decided we'd start fresh the next day.  The next was terrible too.  We quickly found out WE DO NOT LIKE VEGGIES juiced.  Or, at least, the ones we were putting together.  So...we made a compromise: juice in the morning for breakfast and make smarter choices the rest of the day.  So far it's going rather well.  I think I'm starting to notice the benefits of juicing (and I know my intestines have...IF you know what I mean!).

Another revamp in my life is I am not a member of the local YMCA!  I went to my first Zumba class on Saturday.  If you've ever seen me dance..imagine taking away the alcohol and adding seven times more awkwardness. But..I still think I rocked it...and picked up a few new shoulder moves in the mean time. 

Today starts boot camp. 
I hope I survive. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

meet you in the produce isle!

Husband is really excited to start the 10 day 'reboot' juice.  I, on the other hand, would probably be happy just adding juice to my diet.  I love the thought of a 10 day juice, but actually doing it?  Well, I don't have the best track record of keeping up with things.  And, facing the facts...I just really love diet pepsi. 
So...yesterday we decided that we would get up this morning and go to the Farmer's Market in Webster. Apparently, this isn't just any market - this is on the top 10 list of things you should see while in Florida.  While I'm not sure where that person got their list, I was pretty sure this market/flea market was not going to rank up there with Disney, Sea World and Ripley's Believe It or Not. 

We got there and I could already tell this was not the place husband was expecting to see.  Quote clue number 1: "hmm, I thought this would be inside".  (Since when has a farmer's/flea market been inside?  Not sure)
We walked down the produce 'section' and decided we'd save that for the end...carrying around all that produce would NOT be fun (gold star for us). 
After walking down the first isle quote clue #2 arised: "man, I really should've brought my hat"  and then quickly after #3: "Ugh, I forgot my sunglasses in the car".
Several minutes later #4: "sooooo glad I didn't wear jeans"

We only went around about 1/2 of the flea market part, but I'm pretty sure we saw enough.  I came to the conclusion that most of the products at the flea market are either: a) stolen  b) bought from garage sales and attempting to resell  or c) something that was handmade and they're trying to sell it
Tissue Box Cover couch
Yes, this is a tissue box cover.  Honestly, this one looks pretty nice compared to the ones we saw. 
 We saw a whooooooooole lotta belts, purses, jewelry, and all around junk.  Let's just saw I walked rather quickly and didn't make much eye contact.  Safe to say my anxiety level was pretty high!

Quote clue #5: "Oh wow, this is really big, what time is it, I think little man is getting tired" 

Anyways, we didn't have any antique 'finds' this time...but, we ended up scoring this for under 40 buckaroos...pretty sure we wouldn't be able to do that at Publix.  Let's just hope half of it doesn't go to waste!

We got home, and we were both VERY excited to make our first juice drink.  These next ten days are doing to be a breeeeeeeeeze!  I told husband that I really think we should do our first drink something extra good to kinda kick us off and get our taste buds flaring.  (He didn't listen).
We ended up making a carrot, cucumber, green pepper, celery and apple juice and I was determined to enjoy it...even though I was slightly nervous about that combination.  I, how bad can it be?  Bottoms up! (yes, this is complete hesitation on my face)

Well, I found out rather quickly how bad it could be.  On my list of 'terrible things I will never eat/drink again', this was in the top three for sure.  I tried to drink it and got about half way through before husband actually admitted it was pretty terrible.  I figured if he thought it was bad, I was justified enough not to finish it.  The stuff was seriously making me nauseous!  The smell...ugh, terrible!
So, he decided to juice some fruit and we added it to the liquiddeath.  We made mango, blueberries, and kiwi.  That was pretty much heaven...I'm pretty sure I could've just gobbled all that up.  But...husband was trying not to waste and was going to mix the two drinks together to try to make the first one manageable. 
Well, husband accidentally spilled the entire container of juice right after I had taken some, leaving him with none!  He was so fed up he just ate pizza instead.  So...I'm the only one that actually got an entire drink.  Annnnnnd...I've been burping up peppers ever since.  GREAT.

So, day 1 has pretty much turned into a disaster.  We'll try again later tonight...but for now...I think what I'm eating pretty much sums up the last couple hours and our first taste of juicing....